The company was founded in 1949 and the present owner took over in 1995.
In the beginning it was mainly a pattern shop, but over the years moulds became the main product.
We began working with the automotive industry in the 50´s, when Saab became an important customer of ours.
In the 70´s and the 80´s we were the only swedish mould maker capable of producing
nickel-shell moulds, and that generated a lot of work for us.
Today we mainly produce moulds for the plastics, rubber, fabrics and composites industry.
We cover a large number of diffrent processes, for example RIM, SRIM, RRIM, RTM and many more.
We are using high speed milling machines and state of the art Tebis CAD and CAM systems.
For over 60 years we have combined knowledge and experience with the latest technology,
which makes us highly competitive. We have a state of the art machine park, with our
Mikromat on the front line.